Little Beach (Hawaii)

Little Beach (Hawaii)

by Bill Schroer

Since the DLNR administrative closing of Little Beach earlier this year, allegedly due to Covid­19 violations, the Beach has since been re­opened. However, signs predominantly featuring “No Nudity” have been installed. A team of naturist activists including Bill Watts, working with the Naturist Action Committee (NAC), are working to re­establish the Friends of Little Beach organization. Once established this team will represent the many naturists both local and international who have, for years, enjoyed the clothing optional status at Little Beach. We will continue to provide updates to this situation as it develops.

After reviewing the status of Little Beach with Bill Watts, here are the key takeaways….

Currently there are 11 citations. The most recent 3, including a topless woman, were issued on July 6.

The prior cases, issued in March­May time frame, are concluded. All lost. The judge rejects any defense arguments and quotes the public prosecutor’s argument in his judgments.

The public defender is on our side (a naturist) but has to get the best deal, which is a 6 month deferment that wipes the record clean after 6 months with no repeat offense + $100 fine + $30 court fee. Most are more than willing to take that deal and avoid a trial and possibly (probably) being found guilty of indecent exposure.

Bill has been in touch with Rep. Wildberger…she is on our side and disgusted with the responses she has received from the DLNR. She held a public meeting on June 23 which is posted on her website. Bill was on at 7:45 minutes followed by Thomas Willman. Rep. Wildberger also held a zoom meeting with FoLB directors on July 21.   She is working on a bill to present in the House but agreed it would not go anywhere because so many representatives are of plantation and missionary mentality.

The FOLB website is in development and once the website is developed they will work on aggressive recruiting and fundraising drive. NAC, and AANR, may be able to help with both once that gets started.

Overall…I (Bill Schroer) feel Bill Watts and his team are doing their best….but they are up against a very intolerant DLNR and a legal system that has the missionary/body shame mindset value system. Very challenging to say the least. The Watts team will need all naturist support….to push back against this very difficult environment. The fact that Little Beach has a long history of nude use is of no interest to this DLNR. They are effectively saying “That was then, this is now. Nudity is out.”

We will continue to monitor this situation and connect with Bill Watts to determine how else NAC can help.

Published in the NEF & NAC Pages of History Newsletter, July 2021.