Action Alerts, Advisories, and Updates

An important function of the Naturist Action Committee is to provide you with timely information on political and legal issues of consequence to North American Naturists. Sometimes that information simply provides a background and a context for an important issue. Sometimes it will be a call for individual Naturists to take action in true grassroots fashion


UPDATE – March 2, 2024 – Naturist Activities Still Threatened in Wisconsin

ACTION ALERT – December 7, 2023 – Oppose Wisconsin DNR Rule Changes Affecting Naturism

UPDATE – November 19, 2023 – Wisconsin AB 503 and AB 504

ACTION ALERT – October 17, 2023 – Wisconsin SB 477 & SB 478



The Naturist Action Committee issues a NAC Action Alert when your immediate action and involvement is required. The recommended action is based on NAC’s years of activist experience, accompanied by careful analysis of the situation.

What will NAC ask me to do?   A NAC Action Alert may ask you to attend an important meeting of a regulatory agency or a hearing of a legislative committee considering a bill that affects Naturists. Action Alerts often ask that you contact specific lawmakers. Detailed instructions and contact data are always given as a part of the Alert.

How do I receive Action Alerts?   NAC Action Alerts are sometimes sent to Naturists in affected geographical areas. Within moments after their release, Action Alerts are emailed to subscribers. Subscribe to NAC Action Alerts.

Of course, NAC Action Alerts are posted immediately to this page of the NAC website. You may wish to drop a bookmark here!

Who should respond to a NAC Action Alert? Each Alert will make clear who should respond. If a NAC Action Alert asks for your help, please choose to make a difference by responding. Experience has shown that carefully targeted telephone and letter-writing campaigns yield the best results. Often, it’s unwise to flood lawmakers with urgent pleas from those who are not constituents, or at least residents of the same state. In fact, such contacts can occasionally backfire.

But sometimes NAC asks EVERYONE to respond, and in those instances, your response has been overwhelmingly gratifying in its strength and eloquence.

Do all NAC Action Alerts include a request for a donation to NAC?   Most do. The work of the Naturist Action Committee is funded entirely by your generous contributions, and quite frankly, we know we can’t afford to miss an opportunity to ask for your help at a time when NAC’s efforts are at their most visible.

The dedicated and well-funded opponents of nudity can outspend NAC on almost any issue, but NAC has shown a tremendous ability for getting a much bigger bang for your donated buck. Please consider what it’s worth to you for NAC to continue its important work, and then donate generously. Donate to NAC.


The Naturist Action Committee issues NAC Advisories in situations that require Naturists to come up to speed on a certain issue or event. An Advisory is not a call for action – that’s the job of the Action Alert. However, an Advisory on a particular subject may precede an Action Alert by a period of days or weeks, so that when action required, affected Naturists will be up to speed.

What action does a NAC Advisory ask me to take?   No action. Advisories are for informational purposes only.

How do I receive Advisories?   NAC Advisories are distributed in exactly the same manner as Action Alerts. Subscribe to NAC Advisories.


After NAC has issued an Action Alert or an Advisory, you’ll often see a NAC Update on the same issue. Updates simply provide follow-up information.

What action does a NAC Update ask me to take?   No action. Updates are for informational purposes only.

How do I receive Updates?   NAC Updates are distributed in exactly the same manner as Action Alerts and Advisories.