NAC and NEF Boards Call for Candidates

NAC and NEF Boards Call for Candidates

The Naturist Action Committee is a nonprofit 501(c)4 political advocacy social welfare organization. NAC’s mission is to promote naturists and naturism, to increase opportunities for naturist activities, and protect the naturist opportunities that exist. Its efforts include lobbying, working with other naturist organizations, monitoring and affecting legislation and case law that affects naturists, and promoting naturism as a legitimate recreational activity and lifestyle. It advocates for positive legislation to allow for increased nude use of public lands and beaches and the decriminalization of non­sexual nudity. In addition to legislative advocacy, NAC provides guidance and support for court cases regarding issues involving first amendment rights, improper law enforcement, naturist business and family rights, and top­free rights of women.

While the missions of NAC and NEF are different, many of the activities overlap and the organizations often work together. Board members serve on both NAC and NEF boards as a dual role. They are elected for three­year terms, which are staggered so that 1/3 of the board positions are open each year. Anyone wishing to be considered to run for a seat on the NAC and NEF boards in the upcoming 2024 elections may submit their request and documentation at this time.

Candidacy Requirements:
►1. Be a legal resident of the U.S. or Canada.
►2. Not be an officer or board member of another national or large regional nudist organization.
►3. Be willing to attend the annual meetings of the NAC and NEF boards each year of his/her term, beginning in 2024/2025.
►4. Submit a signed statement requesting consideration as a candidate for the position of board membership on the NAC and NEF boards and stating that you certify that you meet all board requirements. The statement should include your full legal name, address, phone number, and email address. It should also include an explanation of your background, qualifications, credentials,
how much time you can dedicate, and why you should be on the boards. Outline your specific reasons for applying and what you feel you are “bringing to the table” in the form of relevant experience, expertise, education or background. Board members are needed who have time to dedicate, who are willing to write and promote the organizations at gatherings, who can fundraise
and contribute, and take leadership on projects. Include three references with names and contact info who can corroborate your qualifications and character.
►5. Submit a statement of no more than 500 words for possible publication.
►6. Submit all information to: NAC and NEF Board Candidacy, PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903, or by the deadline date of October 1, 2024.

Successful candidates’ names, approximate addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses will be published on the NAC website, and NEF website,, under the Board pages. Background checks will be performed and potential candidates’ qualifications will be evaluated by the elections committee as part of the vetting process prior to the elections by the Board.

If you’re not able to serve on the board, but are interested in helping out NAC and/or NEF in other ways, consider signing up as an Area Representative or Volunteer.

UPDATE: Naturist Activities Still Threatened in Wisconsin

Depending on where you read your news, you might be led to believe that the Wisconsin anti nudity fight is over, but the war is far from over with continuing attempts to criminalize public nudity throughout the state. 

Yes, of the four introduced anti nudity bills, the two Senate bills went through committees and public hearings before being passed by the Senate. Then sent to the Assembly, they were being reviewed by the Rules Committee when the Assembly adjourned at the closure of the legislative session. Running out of time, the bills were neither defeated nor enacted. (For an excellent recap of the Wisconsin situation, please see Planet Nude’s article: “Wisconsin’s legislative halt brings a tentative victory for naturist rights”.) 

But meanwhile, coinciding with these legislative bills, the much less understood proposed Section 37 additions to Chapter NR 45 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are still in the FINAL STAGES of approval. These rules being promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources have similar anti nudity language and impact any naturist use on ALL lands managed or controlled by the DNR. The targeted public lands include well known clothing optional Mazo Beach, previously used by around 70,000 visitors a year until closed by the DNR in 2016. The DNR’s intention is to keep the beach closed until their proposed anti nudity changes are approved. This move not only impacts Mazo Beach but also sets a restrictive precedent for naturist activities throughout Wisconsin. 

To clarify: Chapter NR 45, Wis. Adm. Code, governs the conduct of visitors to the lands and facilities owned, eased, or leased by the department, and SECTION 37 establishes a specific prohibition of going nude in public on department managed lands and defines nudity. The following proposed rule change (from PR­03­20) explains the intended renumbering and amending of NR 45.04 – 

SECTION 37. NR 45.04 (3) (am) 1. and 2. are created to read: NR 45.04 (3) (am) Nudity. 

►1. In this section, “nude” or “nudity” means being clothed or unclothed in such a manner that the person’s genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, anus, anal region, or pubic hair region of any person, or any portion of the breast at or below the upper edge of the areola thereof of any female person, is exposed to public view or is not covered by an opaque covering. 

►2. No person may appear, bathe, sunbathe, walk, or otherwise be nude on any lands under the management, supervision, or control of the department. This does not apply to breastfeeding by nursing parents and does not apply in any of the following areas not open to public view: restrooms, bath houses, showers, changing facilities, or privately­owned camping units. 

After a virtual hearing and final comment period in December (a big THANK YOU to all who commented) where 26 out of 27 public comments opposed the proposed section 37 nudity ban, the DNR still proceeded with these changes. Then came committee approval, as well as approvals from the Natural Resources Board and the Governor. The proposed rules are now being reviewed by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy and the Assembly Committee on Forestry, Parks and Outdoor Recreation. The committees have various options regarding how to proceed, and the future path of the rules depends on what the committees decide. 

As the landscape continues to quickly evolve, our commitment to vigilance, advocacy, and solidarity remains essential. Whether you reside in­state or out of state, NAC needs your assistance in trying to prevent these rules from being finalized and enacted. Please call NAC at 920-415-2900 now to find out the best specific ways you can be part of attempting to stop this assault on naturist rights. 

There is still much to do in a very short period of time. For instance, at present NAC is specifically requesting any Wisconsin residents living in the following districts to contact NAC immediately at 920-415-2900. (Senate districts 2, 16, 22, 29, & 30 and Assembly districts 3, 23, 25, 29, 34, 35, 36, 54, 57, 59, 74, 79, 80, 87, & 92). 

For over 30 years, NAC has played a critical role in monitoring legislative activities and coordinating responses to threats against naturist freedoms. This is far from the first time that the DNR or other opposition has attempted to change State Statutes or Administrative Rules, be it by introducing anti nudity bills, attempting to sneak last minute additions into the state budget, etc. We encourage all who are committed to the cause to engage with us at NAC, offer your support, and be ready to mobilize swiftly to participate in public hearings or dialogues or in other ways that could shape the future of naturism in Wisconsin. 

Please stay Informed and Involved: If you have not already done so, sign up for free NAC alerts and newsletters to stay updated on this issue and be able to receive further guidance on opposing these restrictive rules. 

Spread the Word: Inform other naturists and supportive communities about these developments and encourage them to take action. 

Your Participation is Crucial: Your voice and action are vital in opposing these rule changes. The collective effort of the naturist community can make a significant impact in preserving our rights and freedoms. Let’s continue to unite and express our opposition to these restrictive measures.

ACTION ALERT: Oppose Wisconsin DNR Rule Changes Affecting Naturism

DECEMBER 7, 2023


Comment period for the proposed state anti-nudity rules ends on December 10, 2023.

This is an urgent Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee (NAC) in collaboration with Planet Nude, focusing on the proposed rule changes by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that threaten naturist activities on state-managed lands.


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has proposed sweeping amendments to chapters NR 1, 11, 45, 51, 115, and 116 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, with a particular focus on prohibiting public nudity on state-managed lands. This move follows the 2016 closure of Mazo Beach, a notable naturist spot, and coincides with recent legislative efforts to criminalize public nudity across Wisconsin. 

Notably, while these rules aim to make nudity illegal on all state lands, a significant driving force behind these changes appears to be the intention to reopen Mazo Beach as a textile-only area. This approach represents a heavy-handed shift in policy, impacting not just Mazo Beach but also imposing restrictive limitations on naturist activities throughout all state lands in Wisconsin.

Recent Developments

A virtual hearing was recently held by the DNR, where the majority of public comments opposed the proposed nudity ban, specifically section 37 regarding public nudity. However, the DNR is still proceeding with these changes, with the final comment period closing on December 10, 2023.

The Proposed Rule Changes

The new DNR rules aim to define nudity strictly and prohibit it on all lands managed by the department. The text of the redefinition direction from the proposed rule changes, Section 37, reads as follows:

Section 37 – NR 45.04 (3) (am) Nudity. 

  1. In this section, “nude” or “nudity” means being clothed or unclothed in such a manner that the person’s genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, anus, anal region, or pubic hair region of any person, or any portion of the breast at or below the upper edge of the areola thereof of any female person, is exposed to public view or is not covered by an opaque covering. 
  2. No person may appear, bathe, sunbathe, walk, or otherwise be nude on any lands under the management, supervision, or control of the department. This does not apply to breastfeeding by nursing parents and does not apply in any of the following areas not open to public view: restrooms, bath houses, showers, changing facilities, or privately-owned camping units.

This move not only impacts Mazo Beach but also sets a restrictive precedent for naturist activities throughout Wisconsin.

Call to Action

  • Submit Individual Comments: It is imperative to submit unique, individual comments to the DNR before the December 10 deadline. Emphasize personal experiences and the impact of these rules on individual freedom and naturist activities.
  • Spread the Word: Inform other naturists and supportive communities about these developments and encourage them to take action.
  • Stay Informed and Involved: Sign up for free NAC alerts and newsletters to stay updated on this issue and for further guidance on opposing these restrictive rules. Visit (click on Alerts and Advisories).

Suggested Talking Points for Your Comments

  • Highlight the historical significance of naturist spaces like Mazo Beach in promoting body positivity and freedom.
  • Discuss the impact of these rules on personal freedoms and how they conflict with Wisconsin’s values.
  • Emphasize the responsible and respectful nature of naturist activities and counter any misconceptions.
  • Point out the lack of public support for these rule changes, as evidenced by the recent virtual hearing.

Call NAC immediately at 920-415-2900 to learn more of the specific rules proposed, the intent of the new regulations, and many other important talking point suggestions (negative impact on local businesses, gender equality issues, beneficial tourism dollars, existing laws already covering concerns, poorly written DNR proposal, etc.).

Your Participation is Crucial

Your voice and action are vital in opposing these rule changes. The collective effort of the naturist community can make a significant impact in preserving our rights and freedoms. Let’s unite and express our opposition to these restrictive measures.

For Assistance and More Information

  • Contact NAC for further suggestions and assistance at (920) 415-2900 or
  • Visit for more resources and updates.


Jim Dickey
Secretary / Naturist Action Committee (NAC)

Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Phone: (920) 415-2900

Note: Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding, or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

UPDATE: Wisconsin AB 503 and AB 504

Updates on two of Wisconsin’s Anti-Nudity Bills, AB 503 and AB 504 (as of 11/19/23)

The Naturist Action Committee is continuing to work diligently to prevent the proposed Assembly and Senate Bills as well as the proposed Administrative Rules changes from passing.  Stay tuned for further developments…

This past week in the Assembly:

On 11/14/23 (Tuesday) the Assembly Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee scheduled an Executive Session for 11/16/23 to vote on AB503 and AB504.

On 11/15/23 (Wednesday) an amendment to AB504 was offered by 91st AD Representative Jodi Emerson (D) – Assembly Amendment 1. This amendment was submitted basically for the purpose of clarity, changing “intimate parts” references to “genitals”.

On 11/16/23 (Thursday) the Naturist Action Committee was present at the scheduled Executive Session meeting of the Assembly Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee at which time the AB504 amendment was briefly discussed but not given much consideration and then died. The committee proceeded to briefly discuss and vote on AB503 & AB504 as originally introduced. As expected, both bills passed [10-5] along party lines.

On 11/17/23 (Friday) the current floor period ended, although committee and other work still continues behind the scenes.  The next floor period begins when the biennial session reconvenes on January 16, 2024.

[Note: If party-line voting continues, when these four bills get to a floor vote they will be passed in both the Senate and Assembly.]

Background of current anti-nudity challenges being addressed by the Naturist Action Committee: 

Proposed Bill AB503 relating to intentional exposure of genitals and providing a penalty.

Proposed Bill AB504 relating to attendance of children at public events with groups of nude adults and providing a penalty.

  • 10/18/23 – these bills were introduced to the Assembly
  • 10/18/23 – these bills were assigned to the Committee on Criminal Justice & Public Safety
  • 10/31/23 – the Committee held a public hearing on these bills

Proposed Bill SB478 relating to intentional exposure of genitals and providing a penalty.

Proposed Bill SB477 relating to attendance of children at public events with groups of nude adults and providing a penalty.

  • 09/29/23 – these bills were introduced to the Senate
  • 09/29/23 – these bills were assigned to the Committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children & Families
  • 10/05/23 – the Committee held a public hearing on these bills

Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules changes relating to DNR property management regulations.

  • 07/29/21 – the scope statement (SS 074-21) for rule changes was approved by the Governor
  • 08/30/21 – the scope statement (SS 074-21) for rule changes was published in Register No. 778B
  • 01/26/22 – the scope statement (SS 074-21) for rule changes was approved by the Natural Resources Board
  • 11/06/23 – the DNR submitted proposed rule changes to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Clearinghouse
  • 11/06/23 – the DNR announced that a public hearing would be held on 12/05/23 regarding the rule changes

Moving forward:

NAC is continuing to gather information and communicate with officials, professionals, and legislators while working together with various local groups and individuals in our united effort to defeat these threats.

Your next ACTION ALERT will address the DNR’s proposed Administrative Rules changes and your various options for commenting on the proposed rule by December 10, 2023.  Meanwhile, CALL for more information.

Stay informed:

If not already, sign up on our mailing list to receive NAC Advisories, Action Alerts, and Updates directly.  Visit  (click on Alerts and Advisories)  This also signs you up for NAC’s free emailed monthly newsletter.

If not already, visit Planet Nude to see select published NAC-related alerts & articles along with many other excellent essays, articles & discussions.  Visit (click on Subscribe)

Become involved:

If you are not yet involved, PLEASE contact NAC.  Time is running out, with much still needing to be done.  There are many simple ways to participate and be a part of this important battle to preserve our naturist rights. We are always available to help you in your participation.

Presently we are looking statewide for many constituents from various Wisconsin legislative districts, as well as looking for some visitors from outside of the state – especially those who have visited public and private naturist venues here and have left their tourist dollars behind.

If not you, WHO?  If not now, WHEN?

Just ask how you can help!

Please consider sharing a small amount of time working together with NAC to help preserve our naturist rights.

Last, but certainly not least:

A huge THANK YOU to ALL who have been involved in many different ways including by contacting various legislators and pertinent others.  (One of our goals is to have constituents from each of the 33 senate and 99 assembly districts successfully connect with their state senators and representatives.)  For those of you who have done so but have not yet sent NAC copies of your written/phone/in-person correspondences and responses with legislators and others, please do so now.

And we are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to the creator of the (r/nudism) “First Annual 2023 NAC Fundraiser” and the many caring naturists on Reddit who contributed $800+ toward much needed funding.  (Some donations were motivated by the Reddit fundraising campaign but came directly to NAC.  As soon as the actual total Reddit-motivated direct contributions are determined, NAC will post an updated contribution total on Reddit.)  NAC is sending individual acknowledgments to the known (non-anonymous) contributors as time allows.  If you have not yet received a thank you, expect to receive one within the next few weeks.  As was posted on Reddit: 

“The Naturist Action Committee works for YOU. As the oldest, most successful and most respected organization in North America devoted exclusively to the advancement and protection of the rights of naturists, NAC has always been the credible voice for naturists. NAC is a volunteer, nonprofit organization; it has no membership roster on which to assess dues. NAC relies completely on the generous voluntary donations of concerned individuals … like YOU.”


Jim Dickey, NAC Secretary




Phone:  920-415-2900  (PLEASE call for more information, or to find out how you can help in our mission to defeat these attacks.)