ACTION ALERT: Wisconsin SB 477 and SB 478

ACTION ALERT: Wisconsin SB 477 and SB 478



Wisconsin SB 477 and SB 478

Copyright 2023 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content.

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This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee (NAC) in collaboration with Planet Nude regarding anti-nudity Wisconsin Senate Bill 477 and Wisconsin Senate Bill 478.

The bills, if passed, would be immensely harmful to naturists,

and would set a very dangerous precedent for other states.


The 13th annual World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) in Madison was, by all measures, a success. Among the nearly 200 who participated this year was a 10 year old girl and her mother. The mother saw it as an opportunity to teach her daughter valuable lessons — not just about body positivity but also self-empowerment, giving her the option to dress however she chose. The young girl chose to participate nude just like everyone else, a choice respected and supported by her mother and, indeed, aligned with the event’s clothing-optional policy.

Yet the girl’s presence, entirely unremarkable in the international scope of World Naked Bike Rides, has nonetheless ignited a moralistic media controversy that has escalated to the national level. In the latest development of the continuing saga, proposed measures now aim to redefine public decency laws in Wisconsin, sparking a national debate that could jeopardize far more than just WNBR.

For more detailed background information, see the Planet Nude article “Double Standards in Dairyland” at:

This one incident is what was used to justify the introduction of these two bills of concern.

If not defeated, the ramifications will be far reaching to both naturists and non-naturists.

SB 477

Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB-3844/4539)

This bill prohibits a person from causing a person who is under the age of 18 to attend an event at which a group of adult participants intentionally expose their genitals, buttocks, or other intimate parts in a public area. The bill also prohibits taking a picture or other representation of a child at such an event if the representation depicts the child’s intentionally exposed genitals, buttocks, or other intimate parts. The bill provides an exception to the second prohibition for a person who takes the picture or other representation with the intention to report to law enforcement a violation that is created under the bill as long as the person reports the violation within 24 hours of taking the picture or representation.

SB 478

Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB-3843/4533)

Current law prohibits a person from publicly and indecently exposing genitals or pubic area. A person who violates the prohibition is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. This bill eliminates the element that the exposure be indecent and instead requires that the exposure be intentional.


  • NAC has been very actively monitoring and gathering information on the Wisconsin situation since it originated. NAC has a board member in Madison who is in communication with both WNBR organizers (Madison and Milwaukee), with the family at the center of the incident, with many legislators, and multiple other agencies, organizations and individuals. As often is the case in working toward successful results, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes.
  • NAC is closely monitoring anti-nudity Wisconsin Administrative Code changes created and submitted by the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) which can move forward after the bills are passed.
  • NAC is working one-on-one with many concerned individuals, assisting them with the best approaches for taking steps and communicating with pertinent representatives and officials.


  1. Contact NAC immediately by phone (920-415-2900) or email ( to learn of the many ways you can be a part of making a difference. These may include actions naturists and non-naturists can take both behind the scenes and more public, determining most appropriate contacts to make and how best to connect with them, and best talking points to use based on your particular situation as well as the recipient’s needs to know.
  1. NAC is selectively targeting committee members and other specific legislators at present, but will be requesting help with a wider reach-out soon. Whether you’ve already contacted / written to bill authors or sponsors or legislators or plan to do so in the future, please keep NAC informed and send copies of your correspondence to 
  1. Plan to attend or register testimony at upcoming public hearings once they are scheduled.  NAC can help you understand the hearing process and help you plan your message points in advance. 
  1. Inform naturist groups and friends — many of which may not be up-to-date on current events — of what’s happening and the importance of their involvement. 
  1. Stay tuned for the next advisory which will be released soon. 


Stay informed:

  • If not already, sign up for our mailing list to receive NAC Advisories, Action Alerts and Updates directly. 

Visit  (click on Alerts and Advisories)  This also signs you up for NAC’s newsletter.

  • If not already, visit Planet Nude to see select published NAC-related alerts & articles along with many other excellent essays, articles and discussions.  Visit   (click on Subscribe

Thank you for becoming involved.  Together we can make a difference.


Jim Dickey

Secretary / Naturist Action Committee (NAC)


PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903 – (920) 415-2900 –

Thoughts From the NAC Chair: Passing

Most people who know me also know I’m a naturist. Sometimes, someone will suggest that I’m a member of a really small group…also sometimes with the implication there is something “wrong” with being part of a small, relatively invisible group. There’s a problem with that. 

When someone says “I don’t know any naturists” my first response is “You don’t know whether you do or not….you could be surrounded by them.” The resulting look of surprise becomes one of a searching appraisal of others in the room when I suggest that because naturists are so “closeted” we could be right next to one or more card-carrying naturists. 

For naturists “passing” as a textile (someone that likes wearing clothes) this isn’t a good thing. Acceptance comes slow to those who try to quietly assimilate or “pass” for something they aren’t. African-Americans suffered the trials of persecution, discrimination and bias long after the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13 ,14th and 15 Amendments. Just “trying to fit in” wasn’t working so well. It took Rosa Parks, the Little Rock Nine, Martin Luther King. But it also took Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X and his “by any means necessary” approach. It required the many heroes of the civil rights movement using both non-violent and confrontational practices to stop the discriminatory laws, culture and treatment by whites. African-American practices of sit-ins, voter organizing and “freedom rides” were augmented by the Harlem, Watts and Detroit riots. While we are far from the “prize” …there has been great progress. 

Gays, lesbians bisexual and transgender people “passed” as straight for years utilizing a strategy of non-confrontation and education. It didn’t work for them either. American treatment of LBGT people prior to 1969 was more discriminatory and legally prejudicial than that of Warsaw Pact countries. In 1969 the New York City cops, in a not unusual tactic of “rousting the gays”, raided the Stonewall Inn…a known gay/lesbian bar in Greenwich Village. They were just out to have a little fun…bust some heads and throw some “fags” in jail. Only this time the gays fought back…fed up with the bashing, hate speech and homophobic behavior characteristic of the times. The resulting “Stonewall Riots” galvanized the gay community, leading to the creation of activist groups and the first “Gay Pride” parade in 1970. We’re not to a position of full acceptance here either…but the progress from 1969 has been remarkable. 

Other groups have not gone through this “trial by fire” to win acceptance and some are still suffering as a result. Who is still on the outside looking in? 

Interestingly, women, who lead organized marches and enlisted influential leaders of the day to support the suffragette movement never engaged in the same level of violence as was evident in the Civil Rights movement or the Stonewall Riots. And, many argue, women didn’t achieve (and many would argue still haven’t achieved) full acceptance or true parity in American society to this day. Were women too nice about it? 

Does that mean it takes civil disobedience, violence and confrontation to change the racist or bigoted parts of our society? I’d like to think it doesn’t. But our history isn’t encouraging. While we like to think of ourselves as open, fair and treat people equally there is plenty of evidence to suggest that view is a self-congratulatory conclusion based on members of white systemic privilege talking to each other. 

If we really want our society to treat all of its members as equal, we will have to engage in that “tolerance” I spoke of in my first column. You know…the “interest in and concern for ideas, opinions, practices, etc., foreign to one’s own…” Putting ourselves in the shoes of a person of color, a disabled person, or a naturist (shoes would be all that you would wear) can change perspectives pretty radically, pretty fast. 

And, naturists, disabled, people of color, etc. will have to stop “passing”, stand up and demand they be recognized.

Thoughts from the NAC Chair: Nudist Television Adds Sensationalism to Reality TV

The development of reality TV is a function of money, not market demand.  The cost of quality TV drama is high — $1 million to $2 million per episode. The cost of an average reality show ranges from $100,000 to $500,000 per episode.  Therefore, lots of these shows are flooding the many cable channels that have an almost inexhaustible demand for product.  Of course, two things tend to be sacrificed: quality of the idea and quality of the execution.  The result is even less quality TV than we were getting, which is difficult to imagine.  Oh, where have you gone Newton Minnow?  He was the 1960s FCC Commissioner who will live on as one of the first to decry the “vast wasteland” of television.)

Because reality shows are cheap, there is little risk in trying something daring or on the fringe.  If it doesn’t work it goes away and if it does, syndication follows and there tend to be spinoffs.  Take the “Real Housewives of …” which has naturally led to the “Real Husbands of …”  Seriously.  Or “The Bachelor” and of course, “The Bachelorette.”  Where is “The Dumped Boyfriend?”  Want drama without ceremony?  “Bad Girls Club” or  “Sister Wives.”  There are the “dumpster diving” reality shows, the junkyard dog offspring of the nicely done PBS series “Antiques Roadshow.”  So, “Hardcore Pawn,” “Auction Hunters” and “American Pickers” allow us to vicariously live downscale via 21st century foraging through pawn shops, unclaimed storage units or auctions.  

This is all fine and I don’t watch any of it, but now that they have started filming nude TV reality shows my antennae go up.  Nudists have a tough enough time being seen as normal without “Naked and Afraid” and “Naked Castaways.”  Lots of sensationalism is attached to dumping two strangers nude (always an attractive man and woman) in an alien environment with a challenge to “survive.”  These obvious nude spinoffs of “Survivor” seem more ridiculous than the original (also ridiculous).  And “Buying Naked” is the spinoff of one of the many versions of “House- hunting” shows.  Now, there is, naturally enough (no pun intended) going to be a nude dating show “Dating Naked.”

The Hollywood Reporter interview with the producer describes it this way: “We created this show based on marrying a provocative idea with a back to basics philosophy.  “With all the dating options in the world, what happens if you take one man and woman and strip them of all their pretenses?”  Bad ideas often spring from some good concepts.

Real nudists wouldn’t be scandalized by meeting someone for the first time nude.  And since naturism de-sexualizes the environment, it actually is a great way (if you are a nudist) to find out if you have shared interests, values and enjoy the personality of the potential partner you are meeting.  This TV show will do the opposite, taking non-nudists (“textiles”) and put them in the uncomfortable position of being nude (traumatic enough by itself for many non-nudists) and adding the stress of meeting a potential partner.

The problem with all of this is producers are using nudity as a sensationalist element to titillate an audience satiated with dating shows, survivor shows, etc.  Why not do “Nude Real Housewives” or “Nude Dirty Jobs”?  There really isn’t any idea a cynical TV producer couldn’t lift from the schedule, take everyone’s clothes away and start filming.

I was interviewed by a reporter from the Washington Post who wanted an official nudist organization response to the trend of nude reality TV.  My response suggested sometimes “daring” ideas such as nudism actually do have an intrinsic interest for viewers.  If the subject is treated reasonably seriously and viewers become more familiar with an idea it no longer seems so far-fetched or unrealistic.  That is the good news.  

Some reality shows treat topics like nudism seriously.  Others play it for laughs.  No matter which reality show you watch, if the  subject stirs your interest (treasure hunting, flipping houses, decorating a la Salvation Army), don’t be put off by the unreality of the way it’s treated.  Look beyond the reality to see if underneath the veneer of exploitation there isn’t something of substance you might want to know more about.

Thoughts from the NAC Chair: Time to Grow Up, Michigan, and Open a Nude Beach

In 2014, I was invited by Richard and Shirley Mason, founders of South Florida Free Beaches, to visit Haulover Beach, the nude beach they created and persuaded the Miami-Dade County parks department to legalize in 1991.

Just a third of a mile long, Haulover is bounded by “textile” beach (the word nudists use for those wearing clothes) on both sides and is separated by a waist high snow fence at each end. Located in North Miami and rarely controversial now, the beach was a leap of faith for all concerned back in 1991. Today, Haulover Beach is known the world over as the most successful, safest and enjoyable nude beach in the US. To give you an idea, go to my Facebook page (Bill Schroer) and you will see a photo of the two sides of the beach (nude and “textile”). The difference is astonishing. Looking at the entire span of beach from a three story lifeguard tower (where I was given permission to photograph as one of Richard and Shirley’s Beach ambassadors) there is almost no one on the textile side of the beach. Those few textiles looked quite alone. The nude side was solid people.

As a first time visitor to Haulover Beach, I was struck by the astounding normalcy of it all. There was nothing special… nothing out of the ordinary. People were doing exactly what people do on a beach… play frisbee, lay in the sun, read under a beach umbrella, play with the kids, etc. They just didn’t have clothes on. No one was gawking or acting stupidly. People were on the beach enjoying the day. And the stark contrast with the emptiness of the textile beach told me that is an option many people prefer.

The statistics are even more dramatic. Looking at visitor counts and parking revenues the third of a mile nude beach at Haulover generates over 1.4 million visitors per year. Over $30 million in tax revenue and $1.2 million in parking revenue alone is generated. The nude beach at Haulover is like a Division 1 college football team whose revenues support other city parks and beaches. When Richard and Shirley have a beach ambassador training, the Miami-Dade Parks are present, the police send a senior sergeant, the rescue/lifeguard service sends a representative as all are working to make this, the nude beach, safe and enjoyable.

The Beach Ambassadors patrol the beach to ensure there is no inappropriate behavior and, because a plurality of visitors to the beach are first time visitors, the ambassadors share nude beach etiquette. No gawking, being stupid or inappropriate behavior is tolerated. One reason Haulover is so popular is because with the 8,000 visitors on a normal weekend day, the beach is safer and the visitors better behaved than occurs on most textile beaches anytime. Richard and Shirley have emphasized with the privilege to be nude comes the responsibility to behave.

Given the clear preference of visitors to Haulover Beach to pick the nude side, the tremendous economic impact of the nude beach and the thoughtful decision of Miami-Dade county to offer beach users a choice, what is the lesson for Michigan? With over 3,126 miles of shoreline (not as much as Florida… but not bad!) is there not room for a one-third or half mile section of nude beach somewhere in this state? Florida has five nude beaches totaling multiple miles of waterfront, and two more are being proposed (Jacksonville and Ft. Pierce). For those who don’t want to see “ugly, naked people” or have other similarly narrow views… you don’t have to go. Because some people don’t want to use a nude beach doesn’t mean it isn’t a legitimate option for others.

Non-sexual, family-friendly nude use of public lands is an option that is as legitimate as the government set aside land for snowmobile, cross-country skiing or horseback riding trails or public boat launches. While most of us don’t care about using those amenities, we don’t protest against them. A nude beach in the beach friendly state of Michigan is long overdue.